
API viide: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/redoc/#tag/projects

Projects in TEXTA Toolkit are isolated workspaces used to separate resources and access permissions from other users, this makes sure that a single user or a collective team of users are not overwhelmed with all of the resources that are available in a single instance of TEXTA Toolkit. To access any single service, the user will first have to create a Project and define which users have access to it.


Depending on the status of every user though, their options for creating a Project differ. Superusers have the right to create Projects, give access to them from a list of all users available in the TEXTA Toolkit instance and add/remove indices which are automatically synched from an instance of Elasticsearch. Whereas normal users can only create Projects but do not have the permissions to make an Elasticsearch index available to the Project. Normal users have to import datasets into an index through either the Dataset Importer tool or the Document API.

In addition to the superusers and normal users, when creating a Project its authors can assign other users to become its Project Administrator. Project administrators have the right to add and remove other users access to the Project in addition to removing Elasticsearch indices that are made accessible to the Project. Alas, normal users who are made a Project Administrator can still not give direct access to an index but can only remove access to them to the Project.

By default, authors of Projects are automatically set as its Project Administrator.

Please note that Project access is universal to all the users part of it, any user inside the Project can create new resources or delete existing ones. To avoid situations where one users deletes resources created by another user, careful planning and communication is necessary.

Creating Projects


Vajuta CREATE nupule avalehe üleval vasakus ääres. Täida avanenud lahtrid: title - see on sinu loodava projekti nimi; väljal users vali kasutajad, kes peaksid saama ligipääsuõiguse projektile ning väljal indices vali indeksid, millega sa projektis tööle hakkad.


Projekti saab valida rohkem kui ühe indeksi.


Normal users will need to put in the usernames of individuals they want to give permission to. Only superusers can pick them from the list of existing users.


Joonis 36 Creation menu

Vastloodud projekt ilmub nähtavale avalehel projektide nimekirjas (project_list).


Joonis 37 Projektide nimekiri


API otspunkt: /projects/

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/projects/" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 8229898dccf960714a9fa22662b214005aa2b049" \
-d '{
        "title": "Panama Papers (2021)",
        "administrators_write": ["linda"],
        "users_write": ["tauri"],
        "indices_write": ["update_log", "wos_law"]

Editing Projects

Details for Projects like the Project title, accessible Indices and Users can be changed on the fly by users who are superusers or have been added into the Project as its Project Administrator.


Vajuta avalehel kolmele punktile Action veerus (Joonis 39) ja vali Edit.


Ainult administraatori õigustega kasutajad saavad projekti muuta.


API otspunkt: /projects/{project_pk}/

curl -X PATCH "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/projects/10/" \
-H "Authorization: Token 8229898dccf960714a9fa22662b214005aa2b049" \
-d '{
        "title": "Changed title"

Deleting Projects

Deleting Projects will also automatically delete any resources (model files, plot files) that are associated with the Project. However, any index created through TEXTA Toolkits services will still be kept active inside Elasticsearch.

Only superusers and Project Administrators have the permissions to delete Projects.


Vajuta avalehel kolmele punktile Action veerus (Joonis 39) ja vali Delete.


Joonis 39 Projekti toimingud


API otspunkt: /projects/{project_pk}/

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/projects/10/" \
-H "Authorization: Token 8229898dccf960714a9fa22662b214005aa2b049"

Integrating Projects with UAA

When using additional UAA functionality, authors of Projects can tie down „scopes“ to a Project. Any user that matches scopes in UAA will have access rights to the Project. However, the degree of the access depends on which additional scopes the user has. Users that come with a „texta.admin“ scope are given full superuser rights as described above whereas users with the „texta.project_admin“ scope have Project Administrator privileges to EVERY Project they have been given access to.

When creating or editing the project, normal user can only apply a scope they already possesses to the project whereas superuser can add any scope they wish.

For example:

  • An user with the following scopes: [„texta.project_admin“, „texta.ou“, „sputnik_project“]

  • First Project with the scope: [„sputnik_project“]

  • Second Project with the scope: [„investigative_report“]

In the above example, we have a normal user that has Project Administrator rights (Can add/remove users, remove indices, change access scope) to the First Project but can not even see the existance of the Second Project.


API otspunkt: /projects/

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/projects/" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 8229898dccf960714a9fa22662b214005aa2b049" \
-d '{
        "title": "Panama Papers (2021)",
        "administrators_write": ["linda"],
        "users_write": ["tauri"],
        "indices_write": ["update_log", "wos_law"],
        "scopes": ["investigative_report"]



Joonis 40 Project creation menu for normal user with [„openid“, „texta.ou“] scopes